Saturday, May 26, 2012

A Natural Air Cleaner

If someone is looking for an air cleaner, be sure looking into the common snake plant.

Many a month ago, there was a picture of an elderly businessman in my newspaper. It seemed to me this robust octogenarian in the picture was engulfed by the familiar-looking green leaves in his corner office. Some snarling plants with sword-like leaves had certainly invaded his place of business. It was not hard to notice that in this ivory towner there were neither expensive artworks hanging on the wall nor shining crystal chandeliers dangling from the ceiling but snake plants!

And the sight of these unruly plants in a place where the most serious business was conducted made me wonder. Why on earth this most important person in the company would let his private office become an African jungle?

And here is why!

It is because snake plant is the best air cleaner among all indoor plants. - Ayee

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