Friday, May 4, 2012

A Learning Moment

I think we can learn a few things from the plight of a determined pooch. This Chihuahua lookalike dog’s unwavering faith in his heartless owner had touched the minds and souls of many who had met him by a basketball court or read of his story on line in the May Day edition of the World Journal*.

In May last year, someone in a grey passenger car left a yellowish dog by the basketball court behind a drive-in movie lot near a teacher’s college in Beijing. For a while, every time when there was a car similar to his former owner’s approaching, this forgiving doggie also known as Little Wang, would run to the car with wagging tail and welcoming barks. Today, Little Wang no longer runs after the passing cars, but remains firmly at the site to ensure that he is right there when his owner returns. Little Wang seems to have the insight for not venturing away far from where he was left behind. After an entire year, Little Wang, rain or shine, is still waiting at the site where he was dropped off.

In the past, I had read of a dog in Japan with the same dogged determination. He waited for his deceased human friend’s return at the subway station every evening until he himself died of old age. There is also a similar story of a terrier named Bobbie in Edinburgh, Scotland. Bobbie guarded his dear friend’s grave until his own demise fourteen years later. Stories of devoted pets make our stomach turn. And yet, there are people in this world would dispose of their “true friend” like what Little Wang’s owner had done to him. Sad! - Ayee


For pet owners, when looking for their lost pets, make sure check out the places where you and your pets had visited in the past.


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