Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Worm Huggers

The other day I was so pleased that I found out one of my acquaintances also a worm hugger.

With green grass everywhere around our neighborhood, rain or shine we often see earth worms in all sizes traveling on the concrete side walks. Unfortunately, some of them get stepped on by passers-by, become crows’ breakfasts or get dried out under the scorching sun before they can reach a grassy area where they can burrow themselves into the soil again. Certainly no one wants to see the gardeners’ best helpers meet their untimely death in this manner. So many of us become worm huggers.

We would not hesitate to interrupt these slow-moving crawlers’ journey. We move them off the side walks and place them to a more habitable area for worms. It’s interesting to note, the earth worm looks slimy but when touched, it’s very soft plus it will never bite you when handled.

So the next time when you see a little innocent wiggly worm in the wrong place, please do not hesitate to pick it up and relocate it to the place where it belongs!

Be kind!


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