Sunday, July 20, 2008

Education! Education! And Education!

In a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal, Elaine L. Chao, the Secretary of Labor of the federal government, told the reporter that university graduates earned more than $1,400 a week whereas high school graduates earned $528. And unemployment rate among workers with a college degree was 2.2%. The same rate among high school graduates was 8.3%.

Although these numbers surprise no one, they are important to the many youngsters who are skipping classes or quitting school for good.

We all know in real life that well-educated individuals are likely to hold higher position on corporate ladders. Education instills good senses in us and enables us to exercise better judgement. Furthermore, what we learn at school improves our ability to meet the many challenges in everyday lives. We do not expect everyone with university degree to become a business tycoon. But with more knowledge under our belt, it is possible that all of us can lead a self-sufficient and productive life. - Ayee

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