Wednesday, July 23, 2014

An Easy Decision

To take advantage of certain loopholes in US immigration laws, parents of many central American countries are sending their well-cared for children to the States without documents and guardians.  While I can appreciate these parents' choice of destinations for their flesh and blood, but sending young and vulnerable children to a foreign country to fend for themselves is not a win-win solution for both the kids and their parents.

If these children were allowed to stay, life in the States, without their parents nearby, can be daunting and challenge to say the least.  Also, it is save to say that life for these young and well-endowed migrants in a new country will be vastly different from the pampered life they had accustomed to when they were back home.

According to  various news coverages, these parents sent their kids away to save them from the violence in their home country.  But life in the States is not free of violence either.  The horrible scenes we saw on television every day are definitely not very inviting.

Since I am not in the same predicament as these concerned parents are, I must apologize for being judgemental of  parents who sent their kids to the States unchaperoned.  But for me, it is an easy decision.  Even for the worst of time, I, like many others, believe strongly that the best persons to care for the kids are their parents.  -  Ayee

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