Monday, April 16, 2012

Adverse Side Effects

Recently, from indigestion to high blood pressure and ulcer, I was from one prescription drug to another. So far, I suppose I should consider myself lucky that there are only a few adverse side-effects that made me a frequent visitor to the doctor’s offices, hospitals, laboratories, and pharmacies. Medicines are supposed to cure us. The information came with my prescriptions was not kidding.
The side effects from the ulcer meds were so unbearable. The antibiotics I took sure made me sicker than I really was. One of them caused my mouth becoming exceedingly thirsty throughout the night. And I am now combating the possibility of being dehydrated. Hopefully, with congees and soups, I will get myself back to normal soon.

Through all these challenges, I learned that we can report adverse side effects from prescription drugs to government agencies which monitor these sorts of things. Since I do not wish to have this awful side effects inflict on anybody, I will report my unpleasant and harmful experience to the right monitoring agencies*. - Ayee

*In USA, call MedWatch/FDA at 1-800-FDA(or332)1088.
In Canada, call Health Canada at 1-866-234-2345

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