Thursday, August 11, 2011

Be Aware!

It looks like there is a new format that the SPAMmmers are using to invade our personal cyberspace.

In the past, my Internet Service Provider had done a good job on filtering junk mails. This is why I seldom had unwanted e-mails. But recently, I saw SPAMS started to surface. The ones I received now always included legitimate business names, like my IPS’s, in the subject line, to bypass detection, I think, whatever the security software has in place.

Remember in the old days when we first started e-mailing to each others. The number of junk mails I had in my e-mail account was insurmountable. Although it took a bit of times to delete them, it was rather easy to do so without any perceived risks.

But to delete unwanted e-mails now, I must click on them first before I can zap them. This makes me feel I may expose myself to the unwanted message whenever clicking on any of these intrusive e-mails. Of course, this becomes a concern for me.

Even though I realize whether they are SPAMS or not, there is no such thing as a secure site in the virtual world. I always consider e-mail the invention of the century. It takes over the indispensable role our telephone uses to be in our lives. Now instead of phoning our friends and family members, we e-mail them. I find it is a rather neat medium through that I can send not only words but videos to others without visiting a post office.

Besides, in a globalized business community, e-mail enables us to communicate with our worldly partners both efficiently and effectively. The e-mails are our words. They can be used as evidences in courts.

Therefore, it is so incomprehensible to me that someone would want to spoil the good things that e-mail has to offer. - Ayee

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