Sunday, December 12, 2010

Money makes the world go around

It’s this time of the year again.

Recently, I experienced some kind of epiphany about giving to charities.

Since our economy is still in the doldrums, and the unemployment rates are at a record high level, creating new jobs is now on the top of politicians’ to do list. The bad job markets also put many of us in a more vulnerable position as far as our future employment is concerned. And likely we may not be as generous as we used to be to others. But do not despair. There is another way we can do to help many unfortunate neighbors. We can follow what the governments around the world had done. Individually, we can also improve the sacking economy by spending within our means.

We all know there is a profound multiplying effect from our spending on goods and services. As you can see that our constant support to various business prompts the business owners to hire more employees. More working people translates to more spending and more spending means more money in people’s pockets, etc., etc . . .

Money, the medium of exchange, indeed makes the world go around.

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