Thursday, May 27, 2010

Random Kindness

Yesterday I went to pick up my newspaper at a neighborhood drug store. After I found my daily, I lined up like many others did at the checkout stand. There were only about four or five customers ahead of me so I expected I would be out of the store soon, and still have time taking a leisure stroll home. Wrong! An elderly lady at the front of the line seemed to have problems with the battery she needed for her hearing aids. Since she herself did not know which one is the right one, the cashier at the till was totally lost in a maze of many button-like batteries. Even though no one was complaining about the wait, the line was getting longer. And that poor senior remained baffled as to the type of the specialized battery she needed. Then, a young fellow in a dark suit next to this flustered senior citizen decided to take the matter upon himself. He asked the cashier wait on other customers while he sorted out the arrays of disc-like power cells for a somewhat confused senior. By the time it was my turn to pay for my paper, I could see that well-dressed young fellow was no near to that Eureka moment he was looking for.

On my way home, I could not help but marvel at an act of selfless kindness unfolded in front of us at the store. Even though, I did not offer my service to this senior in need, I was pleased to see someone else did. - Ayee

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