Tuesday, August 4, 2009

On Health Cares

Like many publicly-held corporations, North America’s medical providers are becoming albatrosses. The new health care bill that the US government is about to sign into the law has a lofty goal. But without reforming the basics in the health care system before hand, the new law to cover more Americans is just another piece of expensive legislation.

Since governments do play a crucial role on how the health cares are dispensed, they do have the responsibility to

- educate their citizens so they know how to take better care of themselves. Education will certainly help us make more informed decisions that can affect our life style choices.

- ensure health care providers are better equipped and taught to provide their learned services. They should be held responsible for the errors they made on patients. Besides apologizing to the wronged patients, the errant doctors must return to school to be re-trained.
- provide medical cares through smaller hospitals. Services from a smaller organization can be more personal that improves the communications between patients and doctors. Small entities are more transparent. So we can see better as to who did what. Since medical care costs are rising at an exorbitant rate, a smaller hospital can be more efficient and cost less to operate.

- disallow the "de-bundle" practice in medical services. This method of costing health therapies does help increase hospitals’ revenue, but requires expensive and diligent manpower to maintain accurate records.

Now good health to everyone! - Ayee

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