Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Outlaws(?)

A mother and son became the State of Minnesota’s latest wanted persons under the law.

A desperate mother agreed to her son’s request not to have chemotherapy for his cancer. But the court in the land of thousand lakes decided that the young patient must continue taking this unpleasant treatment. To not follow the court decision, the mother and her sick son are now on the run from their comfortable home and become fugitives on a "crime" that harms no others.

Governments enact laws to protect innocent citizens. But in this case, a decision of good intent by the court might have done more harm than good to this young patient. Personally, I certainly do not want any government to interfere on how I deal with my own personal health issues.

I have not heard much lately on the whereabouts of the mother and the child. But I wish their governments will use a more empathic approach to assist them. Let the family decide this very intimate and personal issue for themselves. Enforcing a particular medical treatment by the court may not be the best way to deal with a life and death situation like this one. - Ayee

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