Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Max, a Furry Magician*

Max was one of Sadie’s many pets. His smooth black and white fur did not tell how talent this cuddly cat was. Under his sleek and shiny coat, he was a clever magician in disguise. He made things disappear and reappear at the right time. In addition, he was an eager peace maker. He kept all his house mates in check so they could live with each other in harmony.

In one particular instance, Sadie, a friend’s late sister, took in an elderly dog. Since it was a long time ago, my dear friend does not remember the orphaned dog’s name. For easy reference, we will call this old fellow, "Kid." Before Sadie had Kid, life in her pet habitat was very uneventful. After Kid’s arrival, his many comings and goings in and out of the house disrupted the peaceful routine of the animal kingdom very much. Kid was not very healthy. He needed a lot of extra cares that no others had ever dreamed of. Frequently, Sadie had to take him to the vet to have his long floppy ears cleaned. He got his hair clipped now and then too. Besides, he sported a handsome collar that none of his other house mates had. From Max’s view, Kid was different. Definitely he was not one of them. Then one day not long after Sadie adopted Kid, she noticed Kid no longer had his fancy necklace on. It disappeared! Without that pretty collar, Kid became one of the pack. Max and his mates accepted him for good. Finally, life at Sadie’s ark was back to even keeled, calm and peaceful.

Then one sad day came.

On that day, Sadie had to take Kid to the vet again. But this time she returned home without Kid in tow. Max ran up and down in the house desperately looking for his friend. Eventually, he and his gang sensed their mistress’ sadness over losing Kid for good. They realized this time he would never return. While everyone else settled down at their usual place in the parlor mourning, Max unceremoniously trotted down to the basement. When he returned to the sitting room shortly, he had Kid’s fancy necklace with him. Like the magnificent master in a magic show, Max deftly placed the collar right at the spot where Kid used to sit. - Ayee

*In fond memory of Sadie and her cherished pets

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