Saturday, January 17, 2009

The bull is coming!

It must be the result of an intelligent design that this year is the year of the ox in Chinese zodiacs.

We all know oxen have been their keepers’ best friends for years. They are strong and hard working draft animals who withstand harsh working conditions. From my limited knowledge on farming, I do not think they require much special cares either. They remind me of the pictures of water buffaloes toiling on rice paddies, the scene of emaciated bovines pulling goods laden carts in some remote villages, and the sight and sound of a truck full of calves and their cousins heading to far away slaughter houses on super high ways. Because of their strong physique and ability to put up with harsh conditions, they help their impoverished keepers until their last breath.

Certainly we can not expect an ancient zodiac sign to mysteriously transform the worst of the time to the best. But we can learn from what this astrological symbol stands for. But by hard working and perserving, we can all emerge from the looming bad time stronger and become more adaptable to the new harsh reality. - Ayee

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