Saturday, November 22, 2008

International Bully Awareness Week

Many years ago when we were in grade school we got to go home for a hot lunch with our father before the afternoon classes. Everyday after lunch when we, my younger sister and brother and I, were ready to go back to school, our brother always threw a tantrum for not wanting to go back to school in the afternoon. Since skipping class was never an option in our family, our dad had to play a tug-a-kid game to ensure our unruly brother goes back to school in the afternoon. Because it was the same embarrassing spectacle that repeated everyday in the neighborhood,I can never forget what my poor brother had gone through after a pleasant midday break at home.

Our parents did spoil our brother a bit. They assumed he was just being naughty. Our parents had never asked him why he did not want to go back to school after lunch. Miraculously, after we moved away from the neighborhood, our brother adjusted well at the new school. He went to school willingly morning and afternoon.

In retrospect, if our parents had known the reason why our brother did not want to go back to school in the afternoon, they might handle his aversion to afternoon classes differently. Now we know how prevalent bullying is in our society, I feel strongly someone, maybe a teacher, had made my dear brother want to avoid his afternoon classes at school. - Ayee

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