Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Cecil, A Beloved Lion

Based on what I saw in newspapers and on television, the dire living condition in Africa must be one of the many compelling reasons why Africans continue to kill the near extinct stock of wild animals for money.  But making a living at the expenses of innocent wild animals will never lessen the cruel reality of civil wars, national disasters and medical emergencies.  When we put the humanitarian belief aside, exploiting wildlife for profit can only worsen  an already bad situation.  Poaching wild animals does not make sense economically at all.  It will only drive the limited local fauna to extinction.  To me, a person who has not visited zoos, wildlife parks or circuses for ages, a live wild beast on display in touristy places is worth more than a severed lion head in someone's trophy room

It really does not matter whether it took place during a tour in Africa or in our neighborhood park.  It's save to say shooting animals with a camera nurtures a win-win situation.  But the act of shooting a defenseless lion with bow and arrow for "fun" is not only utterly cruel but also sadistic.

Now these days, African nations are cashing in on eco-tourism in their respective countries.  The on-going poaching activities in Africa made me wonder why anyone in the world would want to kill the goose that lays golden eggs?

On Cecil, the beloved lion, we mourn the loss of yet another precious life. We all know that no punishment, large or small, can bring this majestic animal and many like him back.  But I am certain justice will prevail and the poachers who are responsible for Cecil's untimely demise will eventually pay the price for committing such heinous and inhumane act to another living being. -  Ayee

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