Monday, April 27, 2015

Aloe Vera and Shingles

The frequent television commercials on shingles vaccines led me to think maybe shingles cases are on the rising.  Fortunately, at this time no one in the family or any of our friends had contracted this chickenpox related ailment.

But years ago, two of our elderly friends got this insidious malaise in their 80s.  To soothe the painful and itchy blisters and the rash, both of them applied a paste made of Aspirin tablets onto the blistered area.  No one knew where they got this remedy for shingles.  But what they used to cure this torturous skin condition seemed to be working for both of them.

Even though we were not there to discuss herbal remedies, at a recent community lunch, aloe vera, a succulent desert plant, briefly became the topic of our causal conversation.  Among us there were a couple of former shingles patients.  Both of them attested to the great relief the lotion made of this spiky cactus had given to them when they were troubled by shingles.

We all know many skin care products, even some foods, are made with aloe vera.  The jelly like flesh of this humble plant has been used on burn victims.  I had also read about a breast cancer patient who included aloe vera lotion in her care package when she was under radiation treatment.  -  Ayee

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