Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Keep Mr. Alzheimer Away (II)

The following is what the Japanese people do to ward off dementia.*

1.  Start each day with a glass of warm water.
2.  Drink at least three glasses of fresh fruit or vegetable juice each week.
3.  Cook own meals.  Meal planning is a taxing matter that requires extra brain power.
4.  Always have some dark chocolate handy to enjoy during the day.
5.  Walk 30 minutes a day.
6.  Sit in the sun for 15 minutes per day.
7.  Keep body weight down to reduce the possibility of being diabetic or suffering hypertension.
8.  Avoid soda pops and any processed foods.
9.  Do exercises that induce perspiration.
10. Leave the CD player on with music or inspiring speech while taking a short break lying down or sitting.
11.  Include sliced raw onions in salads.
12. Do not have any food after 8/9 PM.

-   Ayee

*This is from an Internet posting in Chinese.  Author unknown.   

1 comment:

Thought of the Day said...

The original was in Japanese. It could be a Japanese government bulletin that was translated by Google into English. - Ayee