Saturday, November 15, 2014

Food for Thought - Curry Powder

Recently, we found the fresh chickens we bought from the markets did not taste as good as they were before.  Their texture was mushy and tasteless.  To make our chicken dish more palatable, we have tried different spices to spruce up our simple fares.  This is why lately we  often included the pungent curry powder in our cooking.

According to Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia Standard 2004 edition, it takes 20 or more spices, herbs and seeds to make curry power.  And turmeric, considered a brain food*, is the main ingredient of this God sent concoction.  Maybe this is the reason why dishes seasoned with the yellowish powder made with the  substance from  the aromatic roots are very appetizing and tasty.  For someone from Southeast Asia, hearing the work "curry" can cause their mouth to watering!  For us, we always felt warmth and well-being after enjoying a bowl of steaming rice with some curry seasoned toppings.  -  Ayee

*See "Food for Thought: - Brain Foods," July 15, 2012

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