Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Make it small!

In addition to the frigid sub-zero weatehr, this New Year did not start well for America.

First,the country was told that a group of first responders in the 911 attacks had claimed disbility benefits that they do not deserve.  Then, there was this news coverage for the world to see what top-aide of the incumbent governor in Jersey had done to embarrass their political opponents.

This year also marked the 50th anniversary of a federal government's initiative, "War on Poverty." Undoubtedly, programs such as food stamps, low-income housing, financial aids to students, and Medicaid had helped many people in need.  But there are also a plenty of evidences that suggested  "War on Poverty" had not  made our society a happier and safer place to live.  According to the critics of this well-intended government policy, "War on Poverty" had made the America a welfare state.   Now fifty years later, lineups at local food banks are getting longer, public housing projects have become unlivable, college students have burdened themselves with mounting debts, nd homeless population on city streets is also climbing.

Needless to say, both acts of dishonesty and bullying are so un-American and appalling.  I hate to think that big governments may have given us a helping hand to become wards of the governments. When the governments get bigger, they also become less transparent and  vulnerable to many undue abuses. -  Ayee

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