Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Food for Thought - Licorice of Allsorts

Let me put it this way, because of my love for sweets, desserts and candies have always been my favorite foods. I am one of those unfathomable people who would trade an appetizing entree for a piece of butter-creamed chocolate cake. This is why, particularly in my younger days, I was always on the lookout for something new in the cookies and candy aisles at grocery stores. I did see kids devoured down candy ropes made with licorice extracts. Candy made with licorice is also a very popular treat among the adults. One day, in the mid block of the side walk near where I live, I saw two grownups sharing a bag of licorice allsorts by the handfuls.

But I had never acquired the taste of the licorice candy until recently.

Last year, after the bout of stomach ulcers and many dosages of potent antibiotics, I started to chew slices of licorice root now and then to soothe my scratchy throat and tender tummy. But after a while the mild woody taste of this popular ingredient of cough drops lost its appeals to my taste buds. Now I resort to the sweeter version of the chewy goodies that are made of licorice, sugar, starch, coconuts, chocolates in all sorts of colors. Enjoy! - Ayee

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