Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A Mother’s Appeal

It was on one of those pleasant spring days. A ring-tail raccoon was spotted squeezing herself out of a gap under the roof of a storage shed. To prevent this furry being and other wildlife from going into the shed again, the homeowner did what he had to do. He plugged the gaping hole and thought his problem with unwanted guests was over for good.

Unbeknownst to the homeowner, a haunting experience was waiting for him the next morning. When he opened the drapes to a pair of patio doors to the deck the day after, he saw in front of him separated by a glass door was a raccoon stood on her hind quarters staring at him. Her telling gaze was heart-wrenching. The sad and pleading impression from this familiar-looking critter told him something was amiss there.

Fortunately, it seems that this incident had ended well for both the uninvited guest and the homeowner. After the latch to the door of the shed was left lifted, the raccoon disappeared into the darkness of the shed and had never been seen again ever since. - Ayee

1 comment:

Judy Lai said...

Very good observing of the event, I like it.