Tuesday, February 26, 2013

As Cool as A Cucumber

Yesterday, I found a new use of a popular salad vegetable.

Looking for something organic to rid of some irritants in the eyes, I decided to give cold cucumber slices a try.

In the past, I saw pictures of beautiful models in the magazines. And many of them were shown with cucumber slices over their eyes. It may be an old story to others. But to me, I did not know until yesterday of the reason why the rinds of this green melon were so popular among these beautiful people.

Now I learned that having slices of cold cucumber over our eyes 15 minutes twice a day can also help prevent sagging bags under our eyes. Apparently, drinking too much water before bedtime, smoking, too much salt in the diet and lack of sleep can cause excess fat and water to accumulate under the skin below the eyes.*

Now you know who is about to corner the cucumber markets. - Ayee

* “Bags under the Eyes,” Prescription for Nutritional Healing, by James F. Balch, MD & Phyllis A. Balch, CNC. 2nd Edith, Avery Publishing Group, Garden City Park, New York.

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