Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Spooky's Last Will and Testament*

"I, Spooky Bezanson, being of poor health, do hereby bequeath to my friend and master, last will and testament, to be recalled fondly whenever he may think of me.

My time on earth has been a happy time, full of joyful memories and carefree hours. I take with me no worldly possessions, because possession and property have never been my primary concerns. What was important to me was earning your trust and praise, being obedient, and always faithful. But the one thing I possessed and will cherish above all else was my master’s love, for no one could have loved me more.

When I was gone and you have occasion to think of me, do not feel sad, for I am at peace and no longer feel any discomfort or pain. All the maladies that age and circumstance had thrust upon my physical being are no longer a concern to me. I am free to romp with the wind at my face and the grass tickling my feet. I nap in the warmth of the sun and sleep under a blanket of stars. In this joy I wait for you.

Because we shared so many happy times together, I know you feel like I cannot ever be replaced and that perhaps you should live the remainder of your life without another pet as a faithful companion. My friend, don’t try to replace me, for what we shared is irreplaceable. We grew together, through some pretty hairy (and cold) times. But don’t deprive yourself of the warmth and love another companion can bring to you. I would not want you to be alone.

Most of all, remember, dear master, I will always be with you, in your heart, in your mind, and in your memories. For what we shared was special, today, tomorrow, and always. And if you should ever feel a cold nose on your skin, and there‘s no animal around, just know, in your heart of hearts, it’s me, saying hello."
*"Spooky" is one of the nine stories in Vicki Myron’s new book Dewey’s Nine Lives. It is a poignant account of unconditional love and devotion a disturbed Vietnam war veteran and a little innocent black cat had bestowed onto each other.

Bill, the former soldier, saved a badly maimed kitten he found on the roof of his car. Two of them had certainly met each other under the most bizarre and spooky circumstance. But this inexplicable gathering under the unfriendly sky of the City of Angels had forged a strong friendship between two fragile beings. During the turbulent 21 years they were mates, Spooky was always there for his best friend in both good and bad times. So was Bill. To illustrate their unwavering faith in each other, once a vindictive landlady dumped Spooky to a far away landfill. Against all odds, three weeks later, a thinner black cat appeared at the door of that mean woman’s house where Bill was. Both of them knew neither of them would leave that house without the other.

I think it was by a divine design that Spooky literally flew into Bill’s troubled life. Like his keeper, this venturesome pussy had also cheated the death in umpteen times. Spooky’s staunch will to live his nine precious lives had inspired Bill to facing the terms of his own survival from a miserable war in Vietnam.

Spooky suffered feline leukemia in the later part of his long life. He was 21 years old when he died in the arms of his best friend.

It was not known who had helped Spooky drawing up his Last Will and Testament. But it was learned later that it was from the animal clinic where a compassionate veterinarian, Dr. Call, practiced.

This touchy story also sheds a light on the plight of returned war veterans. They have become part of a growing homeless population in many places. - Ayee

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