Wednesday, March 10, 2010

“Ten Ways to Be Kind to Our Neighbors’” Author Unknown

We found this posting on the Net. I thought it would be a good idea we spread this gospel further. Matter of fact, sharing good news is the tenth suggestion on this to-do list.

While we do not know who posted this item, based on its straightforward content, I speculate possibly it is originated from either Buddhism or Taoism’s altruistic philosophy. My English translation from its Chinese text may lose some of its insight in the process. But definitely it is a worthwhile task that I am happy to undertake. Here they are:
  1. When street peddlers begging for spare changes, we offer them foods. When asking for food, give them money.
  2. On the bus, give up our seat to the disabled, the elderly or mother-to-be without a big fuss.
  3. When the weather is not agreeable, we make extra effort to buy something from the street vendors. So they can all get out of the cold and soaky night and go home sooner.
  4. When seeing lost kids or disoriented seniors, we escort them home. If it is not possible, put them on the right bus or accompany them to the police station. Help them make a phone call home will also get them home sooner.
  5. When hearing someone asking for direction, do not be bashful if we know the place. Offer what we know voluntarily.
  6. When found a purse with cash, if we are in a dire strait, we return it without the money to its rightful owner. However, we must remember who this money belongs to. When we are back on our feet, we return the temporarily borrowed money to its owner with an apology.
  7. If we can, help out and encourage the young students who must work to support themselves or their families.
  8. When shopping at the night markets, we buy more if you can without haggling. So the poor vendors can sell out their goods sooner in a cold night.
  9. If we are financially well off, do not transgress to having a concubine. Helping a few poor students anonymously will make us happier.
  10. If we find these ideas make good sense to us, do share this to-do list with others.
Now, let’s be kind to each others. - Ayee

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