Monday, October 26, 2009

Purdy Is Back!

A week after our Purdy’s untimely departure, I attended an event that was taken place in a church basement. When I was ready to leave, I decided to use the lavatory. And something strange happened as soon as I stepped into the church’s Spartan bathroom. For no obvious reason, the toilet paper on its wooden holder started to cascade like a waterfall. By the time it stopped, almost a half a roll of the paper transformed into large s-shaped ribbons piling up on the linoleum floor.

Of course, I felt eerie on what had just happened. My initial answer for this odd occurrence was that I had stirred up the calm air in the room when I closed the door behind me. Then immediately I remembered this was exactly what Purdy did to the toilet papers in our bathroom.

Soon after Purdy joined the household, we often found streamers of toilet paper all over the bathroom floor. And we could not figure out how this extremely flimsy paper could free itself from the sturdy holder on the wall. Then one day I caught Purdy red-handed. She was using the paper roll as her treadmill. While standing on her hind legs on the toilet seat cover, her two front paws were busy treading on the soft paper as a gerbil on its treading wheel. This was why we never shorted of white streamers in our bathroom for a long time.

Too bad, I did not capture Purdy's fitness routine on the camera. Otherwise, she would be an instant star as a treadmill cat in the cyber space.

Putting the uncanny apparition in a church basement aside, I realize it is very likely Purdy will not be home again. But she had certainly chosen a most appropriate place to remind me of one of her many endearing antics. - Ayee

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