Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Canine Distemper and Cod Liver Oil

In the good old days when I was still in school studying, I had the good fortunate of discovering many great works by the late John Steinbeck (1902 - 1968). Recently, I decided to reread a few of his books. And "Cannery Row" was one of them.
My revisit to this hilarious book brought me great pleasures again. It was certainly entertaining. Among many other things, I have also learned good nutrition and cod liver oil can help to cure distemper in a dog. "Doc," one of the star characters in the book, was a biologist who collected life-animals for research labs. He helped "Darling," a pointer puppy, recover from the deadly respiratory disease. All her worried owners, residents of the Palace Flophouse, had to do was to feed her "strong soup, eggs and cod liver oil."
In future should one of my furry friends, young or old, suffer this fatal disease, in addition to proper veterinary cares, I will make sure to provide them with extra portions of "strong soup, eggs and cod liver oil." - Ayee

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